Monday, September 6, 2010

Learning to read a map...

I began exercising a bit more when I took up photography again. Fascinated with eagles, I had to be able to walk to find ways to get some really good pictures. I found a nearby park, checked out their easiest of trails and began walking to various points where eagles had been spotted. It was about a mile walk if I went all the way around, but usually I walked the 1/2 mile. Yesterday, I heard about a new Eagle Blind and decided to try a new trail. Its been about a year and I was getting tired of the same old places. So, I looked at the map, and figured I could handle a 1.2 mile trip. Half way through the walk, I realized two things. I had actually headed on the wrong trail adding an additional mile, and the 1.2 mile trek was only the one way distance. Not good. In fact BIG MISTAKE. Immediately my body began to shut down with negative comments. How could I be so stupid? I will never make it. And so on. The more negative I became, the more pain and exhaustion I felt. I had not planned this well. No food. No water. And yet, I couldn't quit. I had to get to the end.

And I did. Heading back the pain was more pronounced. I felt like I had a hiking boot one size too small. My back was killing, my knees ached. I began mentally challenging myself positively. You can do this, look at what you have already accomplished. You can do this.

I did make it. Sweatly, achey, and practically in tears. One thing this fat girl does not want to do is ask for help because of her weight. So I trudged along feeling sorry for myself, but taking one step at a time, putting one foot in front of the other.

When I got to the car, I began to cry. I think I was afraid. I had faced the fear. I had made it. I was exhausted. I went home that day, feeling weary, yet thinking about what was possible. What I might be able to do next time, how I plan to prepare better, and so on.

Will I do that again in the near future? Probably not on my own. But I now know what I can do, that I can go beyond my 1 mile limit and succeed, so yes, I will continue to do more than I have done in the past. You can too.

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